Sunday, November 22, 2009


Kathak was primarily associated with an institution known as "TAWAIF". This was very popular during the 16th century which was patronized by the Mughal rulers.This is a much misunderstood institution of female entertainers , very much like the "Geisha" tradition of Japan.It was a profession which demanded the highest standards of training , intelligence and most important civility.It is said that it was common for royalty to send their children to the TAWAIFS for instruction in etiquette.Young girls were taken at a tender age and trained in both performing arts{kathak and hindustani classical music} as well as literature{ghazal and thumri} to a very high standard.Once they had matured and possessed a sufficient command over dancing and singing , they became TAWAIF. As the saying goes , young Nawabs were sent to TAWAIF to learn "Tameez" and "Tehzeeb" , which includes the ability to differentiate and appreciate good music and literature and also the art of Ghazal writing.

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